Category: Uncategorized
Hey! It’s been a hot minute…
I know it’s been a pretty long time between posts… I have been relatively well since my stem cell transplant on 14 February 2017, as well as someone could be. I didn’t die. I guess that is what I’m trying to say. I had so many plans for this site, grand ideas to create a…
Telling people you’ve got cancer
So you got the news today, you’re sweating, or (metaphorically) shitting yourself. You’re wondering who to tell, and how much to share right now, right? You don’t want to be a burden, you’re always the one who helps others and you’re SOOOO selfless, right? Have you ever considered that NOW, yes, RIGHT NOW is the…
Validating acts of charity
When strangers do selfless acts for others – should we validate it on social media? – A ‘ThinkWithCancer’ piece. By Billy C I’ve been coming to the same cafe nearly every morning for 5 years, it’s a few doors up from my tiny little flat in Fitzroy. Non pretentious, old skool and a bit shabby.…
nine months later
Happy Birthday! Happy birthday to my immune system which was installed in February 2017. Happy birthday to me! on October 31, I survived 255 days post-transplant, beating the odds that were not in my favour, and thus proving evil never dies! It’s certainly been a wild ride these past few months, with countless followup doctors…
An uneventful transplant
Happy Birthday! I had my new immune system installed on 16 February 2016. It consisted of 5.5 million of my own blood stem cells, which were harvested via a process called Apheresis in October 2016. As I was quite unwell and unwilling/reluctant to continue to the next stage at that time, I agreed with my…
Day Zero – stem cell transplant
Today marks a very important day in my life. I have my brand new immune system installed today, in the hopes it will rescue my body from failing and gift me with a deep remission of both blood cancers, and a better quality of life. Can’t say I’m looking forward to it, it has been…
We’re moving in!
We are busy behind the scenes making this look real pretty! Site launches very soon!
A Brief Hiatus
I’m okay, actually pretty good at the moment, but I need to focus on some non-cancer-related projects which I somehow dreamt up during the past year. I’ll be back.
An Ode To Dexamethsone
After four months of enduring a particular drug called Dexamethasone – a powerful anti-inflammatory steroid used in the treatment of blood disorders, I finally did away with my last bottle. The comedown from Dex can only be likened to my experiences in clubs during the 90’s, where people of my age group will nod politely…
The end of Act one, and a nice little pain in the arse.
I’ve reached the end of stage one chemotherapy treatment for my Amyloid/Myeloma blood disorder. It’s been a trying eighteen weeks of fruitful, painful, hilarious & life questioning experience and change. Today I’m going in for a Bonemarrow Biopsy and spleen scan, the former which shall determine how effective my first part of treatment has been,…