Hey! It’s been a hot minute…

I know it’s been a pretty long time between posts…

Spend some time with yourself. Quote. Quotes. Self love.
I needed to practice some self-care after the past couple of years living with cancer.

I have been relatively well since my stem cell transplant on 14 February 2017, as well as someone could be. I didn’t die. I guess that is what I’m trying to say. I had so many plans for this site, grand ideas to create a resource for everyone. To be a place I could share thoughts, build community.

And then I got offered a full time job I couldn’t refuse.

That was at the start of 2018. A LOT has happened since then. I will return with some celebratory and reflective posts in 2022, but for now – live well. Remember…. life is tough, mate, but so are you.



